Here is a training video created using CP 2017 (Subject: Macro in Excel part 1).
As we all know there are many (animation) effects that Captivate provides & which, we can apply to any object in our project. At first sight it may look cool. But in real life, we may need to apply two/three effects on the same object and that also concurrently. And that is not so simple and straight forward. It is also time consuming and need trial & error(test-edit-test..). Even that is accepted. But what, When we want same complex effect […]
I started using Captivate 5.5. in 2014. Captivate Ver 5.5 itself had great features. The best part is, Adobe does not stop after launching a new version with an added feature but continue to bring whole new version every year with lots of new useful features. Presently using 2017, and will soon be using CP 2019. I also appreciate their back-office team. Once we are recognized as certified, they do have our value. Whenever I have posted any query(regarding matters […]
Although Captivate provides Widget to implement timer in Quiz(Test), following simple procedure, using JavaScript, could give you lot more freedom to program and control the Quiz. I regularly use this in the online Test of my Students. Let me explain with example, steps required for the same. In a Captivate project, Add following user variables: Step 1: User Variables: cp_min, cp_sec, cp_time_out, time_left: Create /add questions slides of your choice. I have added simple 5 slides in this Captivate project […]
This is Training Video Created Using Captivate 2017. Topic of Video is|”Security in Excel (Part 1)”. Again in this video, I have used “James voice” as Speech Agent.
This is Training Video Created Using Captivate 2017. It is on Pivot-Table (Adv. Excel Topic) A speech agent is James.
When Button is pressed, I want to perform three actions… and planning to have few second pause between actions written in ‘Advanced Action Script’. ‘Advanced Action’ script runs all command, But no Pause happening. Why Pause is not working in Captivate ‘Advanced Action’ ?
I used captivate CS 5.5 and then CS6 a lot in 2014. (At that time), I preferred all my O/P publication in SWF. Then, was engaged in a projects that uses another software/tools Visual studio …. But as HTML5 is now growing as default standard, I just republished my old Captivate projects in HTML5, but it is not giving any output in HTML5. It gives problem the moment I add Random Question slide(from Q. Pool) in the project. What could […]
In Captivate 2017, I am creating Exam having 100s of questions in different pools. When we publish as HTML5, 1000s of files get created(majority are images…).BUT After making some one or two minor change in text(say spell check or Text color change), when we re-publish, the whole procedure get repeated. And normally I upload again folder containing all sub-folders and files. Is there any hint that which files only need to be re-uploaded ? What I mean is, Can we […]
This video shows how much professionally we can create training video of any subject using Adobe Captivate.
Sample Training Video created using Captivate ‘Simulation’ feature. Note: Speech Agent: James