10 eLearning Strategies to Create Employee Development Training

To retain and nurture talent and to remain competitive, organizations constantly invest in training. Today’s rapidly changing business dynamics demand quick skilling or upskilling. While many organizations predominantly use the facilitated, face-to-face ILT sessions, a significant percentage of organizations use eLearning to offer employee development training. From a “good to have” mode, eLearning is fast becoming the preferred mode of employee development training and performance enhancement. The last 5 years have seen dramatic shifts in the way eLearning strategies are […]

Master Template Slides

Currently i’m going back and having to re drop in my assets to take to the new template

Adding Narration to Ready-to-Go (QSP) slides

gTips for adding Voice Over clips to slides from the Quick Start Projects which do not include slide audio by default.


  INTRODUCTION In this blog, I will talk about one aspect of managing fluid box fields in the context of using Captivate assets. I once wrote about filling  buttons with pictures. Thi topic is in some aspects similar, but now we will look at fluid boxes. TEMPLATES Before I start, let me talk a bit about the templates provided by the Adobe Captivate team. They can be used as they are, but in reality, the cases in which you can use […]

Screen goes faded

Slides fade out when button is clicked.

How React JS is Rewriting App Development?

React JS is one of the best frameworks for developing both small and large-scale applications that require dynamic data. In addition, the developers are also blessed with perks that allow them to create an interactive and smooth UI/UX. All these factors make it a must-have for both small and large-scale organizations.

Custom eLearning: Q&A Model Combined With Scenarios

Introduction In this blog, I will discuss the merits of the technique of using rhetorical questions under the purview of the Q&A model in combination with scenarios for an effective and engaging Custom eLearning experience. Overview Consider these questions: Don’t you think David could have reached his sales target easily if he had handled the objections of customers efficiently? Do you think Sonia did the right thing by not following the rule? Isn’t it high time that we take initiatives […]

Embedding New System Fonts in Adobe Captivate 2019

Fonts help set the tone for an e-learning project, but they are rarely a choice made by the e-learning developer or instructional designer. In my experience, most organizations have fonts stipulated within their branding requirements and compliance with the brand is mandatory. Marketing or Communications departments will often supply the font files to support and encourage continued brand compliance. That is how I typically acquire new system fonts. I then have to embed these fonts within an Adobe Captivate Project. This is the process I describe in this article.

Important Factors For Designing Mobile-Friendly Responsive Solutions


When creating Mobile-Friendly learning solutions or solutions that work seamlessly on mobile devices, certain factors need to be considered. In this blog, I will share few ideas based on our experience on what has worked well in creating responsive solutions.

Source and Destination Theme (QSP-slides)

Warning to be careful with choosing ‘Destination’ theme after insertion of a (QSP) slide. Short overview of what can cause frustrations.

5 Tips To Incorporate User Generated Content Into Online Training

In the online space, user-generated content is the fastest and cheapest way to populate digital assets. How can this principle be applied effectively to corporate training?

Setup Color Quiz

Detailed explanation of the setup of the Color quiz published in a previous post: which objects, variables, advanced and shared actions were used.