Replacing the Text Expand Icons in Your Captivate Responsive Design Projects

In this Adobe Captivate tutorial, I show you how you can replace the text expand icon used in your responsive design projects for something else. I used a grey icon of a book so as to match more eLearning designs, however, you are free to use whatever style you wish. If you wish to use my icons you can download them for FREE here: Replacing the Text Expand Icons in Your Captivate Responsive Design Projects

Make your Captivate projects consistent across devices using TypeKit!!

You can make your project look much better, prettier and consistent across devices with the use of Adobe Typekit! What is Typekit!? Adobe Typekit brings thousands of fonts from foundry partners into one beautiful library for subscription or purchase. Enjoy quick browsing, easy use on the web or in applications, and endless typographic inspiration. Typekit is the easiest way to bring great type into your workflow, wherever you are. Captivate can take advantage of the same and can make the […]

Under the hood with Captivate 2017: Creating a Custom Preview Mode for Responsive Projects

If you’ve been on the eLearning forums after the launch of Captivate 2017, you’ve already seen that you can convert an existing ‘blank,’ or standard, Cp project to Responsive bu choosing ‘Save as Responsive‘ in the File menu. Now we’ll take a look at creating a customized preview mode for a Responsive project. Once you have a responsive project open, if you look in the upper left corner of the project window there is a ‘Preview in’ dropdown menu and […]

Adobe Captivate 2017 – Convert Blank Projects to Responsive Design

In this video, I show you how to convert a blank project to a responsive design project in Captivate 2017.

Captivate 2017: Create Responsive Projects using Fluid Box tool!

The Fluid Box tool is available in all Captivate 2017 responsive theme projects. Optionally you can draw your own Fluid Boxes in new and existing custom projects. Objects placed in Fluid Boxes get aligned automatically so that learners always get fully responsive experience regardless of their device or browser. In general, a Fluid Box container expands the objects to fill available free space, or shrinks the objects to prevent overflow. Review the “Converting Non-responsive Projects to Responsive Projects” tutorial for […]

Captivate 2017: Converting Non-responsive Projects to Responsive Projects

Another one of the great new features in Captivate 2017 is the ability to easily change Captivate 8 or 9 non-responsive projects to responsive project with a simply using a save as function. I also found that I could convert Captivate 7 project to responsive projects by first upgrading them to Captivate 9 projects then bringing in 10 and saving them out again. To convert non-responsive project to responsive projects: Click the File link in the top menu bar. Click on […]

Inserting Video Demo Files Into Other Projects

I had a viewer from my YouTube channel ask me about the Video Demo feature in Adobe Captivate. Specifically, this viewer was having trouble getting his video demo to play automatically within another Captivate project. In all likelihood he was using a video demo that had been published out to a video file, however, I thought I would blog about the options for inserting video demos into other project files. The first method is the easiest way. Simply record your […]

How to publish Captivate projects as MS Word lessons?

In an open project, Select File > Print. A Print dialog appears. In Project Title, enter the desired name without the filename extension (.doc). In Folder, enter the full path to the folder in which to save the file or click Browse to locate the folder. Select an export range. The export range is made up of the slides that you want to export to Word. You can select all slides, only the current slide, only the current selection, or […]

How to publish Captivate projects as storyboards?

Open an Adobe Captivate project and select File > Print to open the Print dialog box. In Project Title, enter the desired name without the filename extension (.doc). In Folder, enter the full path to the folder in which to save the file or click Browse to locate the folder. Select an export range. The export range is made up of the slides that you want to export to Word. You can select all slides, only the current slide, only […]

Organize your eLearning Projects: Grouping Slides in Adobe Captivate 7

This week I hosted Adobe Captivate Developer Anita Horsley in an eSeminar and was thrilled to learn a cool new tip. (Yup, even I didn’t realize that you could do this nifty little trick with your eLearning modules.) Permit me to set the stage. You are building your latest learning module in Adobe Captivate. You know that the module is essentially four sections, one for each of three big topics and one for the final assessment. But it’s a long […]

Power in the Box – Learn to easily create custom lightbox dialogs for your Adobe Captivate projects

Sometimes you don’t want to turn the page. It’s typical in eLearning projects to assemble the module as a series of slides, and many times you can get all of the information that you want in a single slide, but sometimes, you want to provide optional information or include an opportunity for a simple, custom interaction that gives additional information. One really cool way

Shared Actions- Now Re-Use Advanced Actions across your Captivate projects

“The biggest difference between time and space is that you can’t reuse time.” Need a better solution to create similar advanced action again and again? Ever wondered how to use a specific advanced action in multiple projects? Are you a fan of advanced actions? If you say YES to any of the above, then read on. Many times you had to create multiple advanced actions which have same set of actions, but contain different set of objects/slides/audio files. For example, if you […]