Flash to HTML5 conversion has to be mandatorily done by 2020 for existing Flash content. The pros and cons of converting in-house vs outsourcing are discussed here.
Dear all, I have some problems with many of my e-learning projects: Everything works fine in preview, but after publishing to html the e-learning seems to react only slowly on action buttons (especially “go to next slide” or “jump to slide”). I’ve created my own navigation bar at the bottom and every button is displayed right at the beginning. When I play the e-learning in explorer or chrome (both the same issue) I click the “next” button and only after some seconds I get to […]
How are fonts used in Captivate, what is difference between Theme fonts, Websafe fonts, Adobe fonts and System fonts. What is static/dynamic text? Recommendations for font use in responsive and non-responsive projects.
Making a custom font to use in Captivate.
Publishing Captivate in other languages for screen readers (JAWS)
Gone were the days, where learner used to sit in a closed room with a book in his/ her hand and an instructor with the teaching aids. Over the last two decades, the change in the technology is unpredictable. A radical behavior in the minds of the learners paved a way to discover the new teaching methodologies and new teaching aids. In the midst of the whole scenario, eLearning has been a ray of hope and become a ground factor […]
Join me for my next live stream on Monday, August 19, 2019, at 12:00 EDT / 16:00 UTC.