Hi, I’m sort of new to Adobe Captivate, and I’m having an issue sharing my project. I’ve created two responsive “test” projects, both with three slides, and when I publish them to HTML 5 and then click on the index.html on my computer it works fine. I zip the folder send it to my friend, she clicks index.html and gets a plain blank white page…not the start page with the play button icon…just… NOTHING. This happens on her phone and […]
Should I add voice over to my Captivate Project? How is Voice-over Added to Captivate Projects? This blog provides a step-by-step for Recording Voice-Over.
Should I use Scalable HTML or a Responsive project when building eTraining for applications? What is the difference between Scalable and Responsive?
How big are your Captivate files? does this have an impact on the reliability of output?
Learning and Development today addresses the big challenge for IT enterprises, the re-engineering of its 4.1 million-strong workforce and create a talent pipeline to meet the demands of fast-transforming IT businesses. The rapid change in infrastructure and avenues like automation, big data, etc. making deep inroads into the supply chain, the demands of the industry’s global clientele have evolved as a challenge. But the rapid change in technology is not the issue. “The issue lies in the lack of professionals who can implement emerging technology […]
Hi there, I am reaching out to the community because I would like to address a gap in my captivate knowledge namely ‘Decisions’ within advanced actions. I have done a fair bit of googling and youtubing on the topic. I have also searched the PDF manual and can find little more than a single paragraph about ‘decisions’ in the whole document. However, I can’t find any kind of overview on what exactly they are and how they work. I am […]
It is no easy feat to compensate for the lack of human interaction in your courses. Then, how do you create a successful e-learning strategy? Here are some aspects to consider.
Student engagement in the classroom is dropping every year because they may be bored with that traditional stereotypical learning styles, though we can have better learning in this digitalized era. Ever wondered why they become inattentive in the classroom and fond of smartphones and tabs? Imagine what if we can introduce these technologies to school. Students will prefer technology-based learning than choosing a textbook based live class learning. Augmented reality is an emerging technology in education which can be used […]