Date: Thursday, June 28, 2012 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM US/Pacific Description: Join Vish and Dr. Pooja Jaisingh with Leslie Bivens in this second part of the simulations series to learn the basics of Full Motion Recording, Recording with Narration and Panning in Adobe Captivate 5.5. We will also discuss the best practices while modifying the simulations in Adobe Captivate. What’s in it for you? After attending the session, you will be able to: Understand the suitable settings to be done before […]
I’ve been thinking lately about community. Thinking about eLearning community, about the Captivate community, sure… but also about all sorts of communities. Do I really know what community is? Could I poke it with a stick if I saw it? I’m originally from Wyoming. I mean that I was born in Wyoming. For those of you in the broader world, Wyoming is a rural state in the US known for its deep roots in the American West. With nostalgic links […]
Mobile Learning has become a hot-topic and therefore has been seriously laden with marketing and hype. The excitement is very understandable, but it also makes finding information about how to actually create mobile eLearning solutions (mLearning) all the more difficult. Today’s post is intended to help you cut through the hype and get down to the business of creating actual training content that can be
Topic: The Time-Line Demystified Description: Join Tim Lucas, Pooja Jaisingh and Vish as they show you how to effectively use the timeline to create captivating projects. They will show you how to set the duration right, understand the stacking order and discuss some troubleshooting tips related to objects placed on the timeline. What’s in it for you?
Description: Join Joseph Caplan, Adobe Captivate Expert along with Vish and Dr. Pooja Jaising to learn how to create videos effectively for Adobe Captivate. During the session, we will also learn the best practices, tools and techniques used for high-quality videos. What’s in it for you? Understand the basics of video production Edit the videos using Adobe Premiere Elements Use the videos in Adobe Captivate Projects Recording:
Topic: Creating Quizzes with Random Questions in Adobe Captivate 5.5 Description: Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh and Vish to learn how to create quizzes with random questions using Adobe Captivate 5.5. They will show you how to create a question pool, create a quiz with random questions, reuse question pools created for other projects, and create a quiz with questions coming from various question pools. What’s in it for you?
In case you missed it, below is the video of my eLearnChat interview with Rick Zanotti and Jean Franzblau. Watch it for a number off great surprises, including ‘what I do in my spare time,’ a sneak of the amazing performance and Advanced Action support in the next generation of Captivate to HTML5 output, thoughts about our amazing 21,000 people and growing fast facebook following for Adobe Captivate, and why we’re embracing the stream. It was a great chance to […]
The past couple of years I’ve been blessed to get to go to Brussels for Thanksgiving and honored to meet with some of the world’s foremost leaders, thinkers, and even trouble-makers in the area of education. The European Union sponsors a wonderful conference on Media and Learning – which is genuinely filled with amazing attendees and speakers and always provides a great opportunity to enjoy great company and sensational food in an extraordinary city. This year I was a little […]
Creating online learning materials isn’t always the easiest thing to do. That’s one reason a lot of Instructional Designers turn to cookie-cutter software and templates to churn out lessons that conform neatly to templates that were created to be as generic as possible. Unfortunately generic is seldom the best or most relevant approach to communicating the primary learning objectives of a given course module, so often times the end result looks at best dull and at worst is less than […]
CTRL SHIFT G While you have a gradient selected. That’s the shorthand version of today’s hot Captivate tip on Gradient Goodness. Gradient Fill was added to Adobe Captivate 5.5, and it’s so intuitive and easy to use that immediately I saw tons of people taking advantage of this quick, simple way to get more interesting looks in their projects. But one question that often comes up is what are those little
When I work with large projects, one of the challenges I face is to debug the project when something is not working correctly. The things that can go wrong are incorrect navigation, incorrect association of actions, number of attempts in question slides, etc. In such cases, one thing that I wish for is a dialog that shows all the interactions in my project. And there comes the Advanced Interactions Panel… a real time saver!
Find sample projects that utilize Adobe Captivate, Adobe Presenter, and Adobe Presenter Video Express. You may download and use any of the project files or samples you find here for your own learning. Useful Resources Adobe Captivate Free Sample Project – CloudAir SoftSkills Download Free Adobe Captivate Sample Project – Adobe Captivate 2017 Training Download the Workbook – Getting Started with Fluid Boxes in Adobe Captivate 2017 Download the workbook – [Workbook] Multi-state Objects in Adobe Captivate 2017 You may download and use any […]