About two weeks ago Captivate 10, now labeled Captivate 2017 was released. If you did visit my blog in the past, you know that I prefer to wait a while before posting my first impressions. My focus is also more on the non-hype features added in this release, I call them the ‘hidden’ gems. Some are mentioned in the documentation, some not.
Update undocumented feature – August 2017
This week I discovered an undocumented enhancement thanks to a user on the forum:
When using the Submit All feature for a quiz, up till now it was not possible to localize this popup dialog box (style can be changed using the Object Style Manager):
Retina screen – software recordings
Captivate 9 was the first release which could be used on retina screens. However to record a Video Demo or a Software simulation you did have to edit the AdobeCaptivate.ini file. It was a solution, but bit cumbersome. After the capture process you had to edit that same file again to be able to use Captivate on that screen.
In Captivate 2017 this is no longer necessary, thanks to the Adobe team!
Just one tip: if you are on Win10, check the Display setting before recording (both Video Demo/Software Simulation). The OS tends to set the display setting to a percentage higher than 100%. You’ll have to reset it to 100% before the recording to avoid problems.
Advanced Actions enhancements
The Advanced Actions dialog box has been refurbished, and many will have emphasized that it is now easier to combine standard with conditional actions. Personally I don’t find that so important because the condition ‘IF 1 is equal to 1’ worked as well, but much more has changed. I will post an article later explaining the changes in the dialog box more in depth.
Enhancements Decisions
The existing functionality for multiple decisions in former versions has been preserved: adding decisions, moving decisions, duplicating decisions. The buttons got another look as you can see on this screenhot. There has been added two extra time savers, if you have a lot of decisions in one advanced action:
- A dropdown list showing all decisions, and allowing you to navigate and select a decision (Section 3, to the right)
- A control panel to scroll to the next, previous decision, and to the Last and First decision (Section 2, to the right).
Added commands
While loop
It has taken a ‘while’ but finally we have a looping possibility in Advanced actions, no longer needed to switch immediately to JavaScript. In combination with the command ‘Delay Next Actions…. ‘ a lot is now easier in advanced or shared actions. Just one pretty easy example: create a countdown animation by combining a counter variable, a while loop, an effect and that Delay command. While loops can be combined with standard and conditional decisions as well.
Example movie
This short example has two slides:
- First slide shows a countdown animation and a progress bar. That slide is using the new While loop. Use the Start button to see the animation. When the animation is finished you’ll get a Reset button. Here is a screenshot of the used action (Preview). .
- The second slide is using the “Go to Next State” command both for the text items and the images with the sticky character. Use the Continue button to go to the next state. When all states have appeared, you’ll get a Reset button.
If Flash player is enabled in your browser, you can test this movie (SWF) online in my personal blog
You can download the published HTML5 version from this link. You’ll have to unzip the folder, and launch the index.html file.
Typekit integration
Finally we have access to the Typekit Library (I’m used to it using CC applications)! In the example movie I used two fonts which I already acquired with a CC subscription (Fira Sans and Rosario), but Typekit also has a free license. You have to check it out, time to get away from those limited set of websafe fonts. When publishing with Typekit fonts, you’ll need to add a domain name. For testing purposes you can choose for ‘Local host’. If you are collaborating on a project, you’ll have to be sure that the collaborators have a Typekit license as well. In that case when opening a Captivate project, Tk fonts will be synchronized on their system.
Responsive projects – two work flows
A lot of articles and tutorials have been published already to acclaim the use of Fluid boxes in responsive projects. However I am also happy that the ‘old’ way with Breakpoint views is still available as well. If you upgrade a responsive project from a previous version (8 or 9), it will automatically show in the Breakpoint view mode, since the development has happened in that mode. After two weeks with Fluid Boxes in CP2017 I don’t have enough experience yet to judge their full power. My first impression is that the kind of project will indicate (dictate?) the choice of the development work flow:
- Fluid Boxes mode development will be a big timesaver for text-heavy projects. No need to check all text container styles for font sizes in all breakpoint views, no need to adapt the margins, leading to have text fitting in a text container on any mobile device.
The continuous slider to see the changes for all possible browser resolutions is great!
The design of a responsive theme with fluid boxes needs a different set of mind: how to set up the grid with Fluid boxes in content master slides.
The minus point of working with Fluid boxes is that you lose some control. My teacher’s experiences learned me that you cannot use the same layout on a smartphone as you use for a laptop or even a tablet screen. That will make using Fluid boxes not appropriate for all courses. If you are a die hard designer, maybe you will not like the way that objects will be handled when the browser resolution changes?
Objects in a Fluid box are essentially in a 2D space: you cannot have overlapping objects. That is the reason why the Help explains that Zoom objects, Highlight Boxes and Click boxes are not allowed in a FB. The line object and mouse objects are excluded as well. However you can use them in a static Fluid box. - Breakpoint mode development is a lot more work, but gives you more control for layout differences between devices and for design. You can have overlapping objects, and with the exception of the Rollovers almost anything can be used.
Tip: to switch to Breakpoint view development use this option in the Project menu:
The possibility to change a normal (blank) project to a responsive project is a much asked for, very useful addition. The reverse is not yet possible, responsive to non-responsive.
After some more experience with using Fluid Boxes, my opinion could change of course. Anyway I am persuaded already that the customisation of the theme is more important than ever. If you wonder why, maybe have a look at this article: ‘Exploring Themes and Templates‘
This personal view on the new features/enhancements in version 2017 (10 under the hood) is based on a limited time of exploration. In a future blog post (or showcase) I will give more details about the creation of the example movie. As promised, the overwhelming number of buttons and features in the new Advanced Actions dialog box will be the subject of another tutorial. At least, if you find this useful?
Looking forward to your comments. Do you have questions, use cases that you cannot figure out if they are possible? Fire away…
Thanks Joe and Shambu, that is indeed my opinion as you both know very well. I feel very sad when I see all the half-truths published everywhere and no one doubts that I am a fierce Captivate defender (my nickname with ACP’s). If my opinion changes about Fluid boxes, I will be happy to tell that as well.
Tell me about it! I spent way too much time trying to set the record straight on a vicious anti-Captivate post on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago, and it has continued. However, much like arguing religion, everyone seems to want to say that they have the one true authoring tool and all others are false. Sigh.
You’re welcome. I’m not following the global hype that Fluid Boxes are suited for any project, after having tried out on several projects. It is a great way to create quickly a project that will show the content on all screens, whatever their size. But you’ll pay for that by giving up control and you’ll have to accept the limitations in type of items to be used. This is not meant as criticism for the feature of Fluid Boxes, which is a great feature, it is about being realistic.
Lieve Weymeis Other term is passionate! Thanks for all your honest feedback!
Joe Ganci Absolutely that’s how we make a Product world class!
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