May 9, 2018
How to cope with Autoplay turned off?
May 9, 2018
How to cope with Autoplay turned off?
Lieve is a civil engineer (ir) and a professional musician. After years of teaching and research (project management/eLearning/instability) she is now a freelancer specializing in advanced Adobe Captivate as trainer and consultant. Her blog is popular with Captivate users worldwide. As an Adobe Community Expert and Adobe Education Leader, she has presented both online and offline. Since 2015 she is moderator on the Adobe forums and was named as Forum Legend (special category) in the Wall of Fame. In 2017 Adobe Captivate users voted for Lieve as a Top Content Experience Strategist.
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Since I follow the forums daily (and moderate the Jive forum for Captivate) I have seen a lot of threads appearing about version where AutoPlay is automatically disabled for all HTML output, not only for responsive projects like in previous versions. Reason is that the most recent version of Chrome decided to ban Auoplay from all ‘websites’, which means also from eLearning courses running in a web browser.

Learner Experience

Focus of any eLearning developer is to offer the learner an engaging, well-designed course, The default look of a published HTML course (responsive or not) with Autoplay turned off is not so nice: blank screen (eventually on a background color matching the later colors of the course) with a default black Play button. A couple of weeks ago I described my workflow to improve that first look by adding a poster image, replacing the Play icon and eventually taking out the dimming of the poster image. If you missed it, this is the link:


However this workflow could be improved.

Feature Requests – HELP!

I live in Belgium with the official motto ‘Unity is Strength‘.

That is also valid for requests to the Adobe Team. The workflow described in that blog post would takes less time if these feature requests were fulfilled:

  1. Being able to use one of the slides as Poster image.
    I logged this feature requests several times, even when only publishing to SWF existed. At this moment you need to create the poster image which can be done by taking a snapshot, but pointing to a slide would be quicker.
  2. Being able to have several Play icons, to replace the Play icon by a custom graphic,  or at least to be able to edit the colors.
    For the workflow I described Administrator rights are needed to replace the original Play icon in the installation folder by an empty icon.
  3. Being able to edit the dimming percentage of the poster image.
    At this moment you need to edit the Alpha percentage in the CPM.JS file created in the published folder. Reason for that dimming is to make the default Playbar button stand out from the background poster image. If the second feature request is realized, where you can replace that button by a custom button, the dimming percentage is not that important. But with the described workflow the image for the Play button is part of the poster image and that looks strange.

Please, take a minute to launch this requests. You can use my texts, no problem. Here is a direct link to the request form:

Feature Request


Jun 11, 2020
Jun 11, 2020

Please, stop putting the same comment in many places. My time is precious to me. Have answered in several threads already.

Jun 11, 2020
Jun 11, 2020

Hello… Is there an update for this thread yet please? I am trying to preload my poster image underneath the play arrow because the white screen is confusing and will not engage users.  I have posted my learning activity, but I am still not seeing the poster image in the background behind the start arrow:

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