June 21, 2018
Trying and failing to print a page from a Captivate module
June 21, 2018
Trying and failing to print a page from a Captivate module
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 2 people

Hi all,

In one of my e-learning courses, I’ve created print buttons that allow the user to print certain pages of interest; in another, a custom Certificate. (certificate widget is not suitable for my purposes)

For both I’ve used the JS window.print() command. That works, the printer dialog opens, I print preview… outcome is a blank page.

I’ve adjusted the browser settings to allow background printing (as mentioned in another post), still the same.

I’m using Captivate 2017 (with latest update) on a Windows 10 machine & publish in html5. I’ve tried IE11, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Chrome browsers.

Can anyone help? What am I doing wrong? Is there an alternative?

Many thanks for any suggestions you may have.


2020-02-06 16:47:55
2020-02-06 16:47:55

If you are able to figure out how to get this to work, I would be very grateful to learn!

's comment
2020-02-06 17:05:32
2020-02-06 17:05:32
's comment

To follow up my previous comment, window.print worked for me, but is only printing half the page. It seems like telling the learner to hit the print screen button may be the best way in the interim.

2018-06-22 10:59:33
2018-06-22 10:59:33

Interesting your point of view, I think I would have to take the entire region of HTML code of the page, since the slide is converted as “image”. I’ll think of something that might help, ideal to talk to someone who schedules JS.

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