I want to be able to have a slide with a static image. I the want to be able to add a number of ‘Hotspots’ or ‘small round’ button. When the button is pressed I want to launch a popup, play an audio, or both.
Can anyone please help with some guidance on how to do this.
Thank you in advance
I posted an answer, but it is waiting moderation because I inserted links to blog posts created in this same portal If you want you can search in this portal for ‘hotspots’. I posted recently two blog posts about Forced Hotspot clicking, where you’ll see two workflows. The first post is for a non-responsive project, the second one for a responsive project with fluid boxes.
Use a shape button (there is circular shape), which is a shape with the option ‘Use as a button’ activated in its Properties panel. You don’t tell which version you are using, nor if you want to create a responsive or a non-responsive project. These two blog posts explain two workflows to ‘show’ and ‘hide’ a popup. That popup can be an image, a text container, and you can always attach object audio to them, whether they are individual objects or part of a state.
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