February 1, 2019
Video issue
February 1, 2019
Video issue
Newbie 9 posts
Followers: 2 people

I Placed 5 MP4 video’s wihtin an elearning that I’m building. 2 video’s are visible when viewing the eLearning on the iPad and 3 are not shown. Does anybody know how this is possible?
I’m using MP4 and choose Progressive download. All 5 video’s are saved with the same settings and are NOT on auto play.

2019-02-04 08:40:14
2019-02-04 08:40:14

Did you insert the video as slide video or as event video? What is the size of the videos? Did you try to re-encode the videos in the Adobe Media Encoder to make sure that the correct codec has been used? Which version of Captivate do you use? Please, check the full version number which iyou can find under Help, About Captivate

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-03-08 17:27:11
2019-03-08 17:27:11
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I am using version 11.0.1 and having difficult with videos as well. they are .mp4s, and I have compressed them once and gotten them to half the size, respectively: 120KB to 61KB, 155KB to 66KB, and 46KB to 18KB. I am still getting reports of poor performance. what would be the correct codec settings in Media Encoder to try and continue to improve the performance.

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