I received a file originally created in Captivate 7. I have Captivate 2019 (11.5). Is the disappearance or altering of closed caption normal when upgrading from one version to another. If so, is there a setting that can prevent this issue from occurring?
Normally upgrading up to two versions should work. But you are talking about an upgrade over 4-5 versions: 8, 9, 10, 11 and now 11.5. Moreover CC has been totally renewed in CP2017 with lot more formatting options. I am not surprised that trying to do this upgrade fails, even surprised anything works at all in the upgrade since there was a complete new UI since CP8 as well, with lot of changes in all features.
Please understand that you cannot replace car parts with those from a version of years ago… it is even more critical for software where the changes occur at a much quicker pace.
You could try to upgrade first to CP9, and then to CP2019 but personally I would recreate the courses.
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