I would like to have a question type that invites the user to type in responses and then check the answers against a pool of correct answers. It would be similar to a multiple response question, but the user types the answers in rather than makes a selection. This would be a better test of knowledge.
For example:
Question: Name four types of car manufacturer
There would then be four input fields that would check against a pool of correct answers e.g.
Audi, BMW, Citroen, Dacia, Kia, Lancia
The user would enter four and be awarded a point for each correct one.
I have looked at the fill-in-the-blank and short answer styles but they are not flexible enough. I am sure it can be done, so would be interested to hear from anyone who has had experience doing this or could suggest the best way to do it!
Thanks Lieve. I did have a look at your site yesterday before posting but will now go back and have read this post.
I use multiple response questions a lot with individual feedback. The challenge with those is to write a question stem with plausible answers that searches the student’s knowledge and ability to process the options without obviously correct or incorrect answers. What I am trying to do is provide a multiple response style question with (for example) blank fields. The responses would be checked against a pool of correct answers.
Funnily enough I have recently been working on using TEBs for questions so this is timely!
Think I understand what you want…. not so easy to explain in a short comment. Personally I never use a short answer type of question, nor a FIB question for the same reason you mention: lack of flexibility, no partial scoring (which is only possible in a MCQ with multiple correct answers).
I once wrote this blog post, which may be a partial answer about a custom short answer question:
For partial scoring a custom FIB where you use Text Entry Boxes (validated, with correct answers) can be an answer. Each TEB can have a score. I am sure to be able to offer you a solution, but this could be a start.
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