March 29, 2021
Any Additional Tips for Determining Why I Can’t Follow Fellow Community Members?
March 29, 2021
Any Additional Tips for Determining Why I Can’t Follow Fellow Community Members?
Wizard 33 posts
Followers: 10 people

Hi all.

I posted about this last summer when I first became active on the community. I received a couple of responses, but I thought I would ask the question again as there has not been a solution as of yet.

Has or is anyone experiencing this issue? I am not able to follow people that I “meet” on this community and I know I have lost some people that I thought had made some really good points.

This issue forces me to remember or revisit a lot of things I have already read. Which, honestly, isn’t that bad of a problem.

So, I was just curious is others have experienced this or if this is a strange and unique situation.

Looking forward to hearing from  you.

Thanks again.

May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021

after clicking follow under the profile click the bell to see activites.

Mar 29, 2021
Mar 29, 2021

You need to be logged in with your Adobe ID on the eLearning community. If you don’t you cannot really participate, only ‘lurk’ to use a bad word. Check top right of the window if you see your avatar? If not, you’ll see ‘Sign in’ and you need to sign in to the community.

If you find a user/staff member you want to follow, click on their avatar to open the profile. You cannot miss the ‘Follow’ button there.

Remember: you need to set up notifications in as well, if you want to get them.

Mar 29, 2021
Mar 29, 2021

Hi Robert,

Are you facing issues with the functionality of the Follow button that’s below every profile name? You would need to click on the bell icon to see the activities of the members you follow on the community.



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