How to add additional effects to objects

In this video which is a follow up to my previous one on “How to make a reflection effect” I respond to a comment by a fellow Instructional designer (thanks Le Dirlo… ) on how to add additional effects to an object in Adobe Captivate 2019

Demonstrating Custom motion paths and Alpha effect

In this, my first Adobe Captivate tutorial I will demonstrate how to achieve a reflection effect with a custom motion path. Thanks for watching!

Object audio failing to execute

Hi there, Recently I have begun adding recorded audio to multi-state objects. I like this approach as I find it much more organised when there are a lot of objects on a slide. I find that the timeline can become very tricky to keep track of some times. However, sometimes for some unbeknownst reason the attached audio does not play in the export. If you have time,please have a look at my attached video in which I try to (as […]

Disappearing style controls??

Of course, this is my own fault, I’m sure I accidentally hit some keyboard shortcut or something. However, I am left with the issue that my smart shape style controls have become disabled as shown below. Any ideas why? and more importantly, how to get them back? I, just this morning, installed the most recent captivate update. Might this result in any compatibility issues because the file was last saved under an older version of captivate? Thanks in advance for any […]

Controlling the timed display of a hint box

Hi there fellow Captivators I’m having a problem with controlling the timed display of a ‘hintbox'(Smart shape group).  I am trying to achieve the following: If the user doesn’t click on the click box within 3 seconds a hint box (Initially set to invisible) will appear. If the user does click on the click box within the 3 seconds then the hint box will remain invisible. I have created a variable to count whether the click box has been clicked or not. […]

Rollover slidelets not sticking

issue with setting slidelets to stick