I’m really enjoying a new podcast about learning and design that I thought I would share with the eLearning community.
In this Adobe Captivate tutorial, I show you how to fix the fluid box image fill resize issue.
In this video tutorial, I answer a viewer question about triggering actions such as playing audio, or running advanced actions, by using a keyboard shortcut. This might be even easier than you thought.
I saw a post on the forums recently where a person didn’t understand why the images they imported into their eLearning project were not showing up, were slow to load, or were showing up as red boxes. My experience is that the images being selected were too large for the elearning course. This video is my workflow for optimising and importing stock photography into my eLearning project, so they take up as little space as possible and still look good.
In this video tutorial, I show you my process for getting rid of unused variables in my Adobe Captivate eLearning projects.
In this segment from my last live stream, I show you how to find and delete unused advanced actions from your Adobe Captivate eLearning project.
This video clip from my last live stream shows you what I do to optimize my images for my Adobe Captivate eLearning using. Photoshop or whatever image editing software you use.
This is a clip from my latest live stream about deleting unused objects in your Captivate eLearning project.
Captivate project files can become large and unruly. In this live stream, I’m going to share with you some techniques I use to make sure that project files are nice and neat. Join me Monday at 12 PM EST to chat about this great topic: https://youtu.be/ccUUy7i8KrU
I’ve found a great podcast that should be right up everyone’s alley. It’s called Wireframe which is co-created by Gimlet Media and Adobe. It’s less to do with eLearning and more to do with what you traditionally think about interaction and interface design. I believe there are many episodes in the series that cross over into our world of eLearning.