I want to open a Captivate 8/9 responsive project in Captivate (2017 release). What should I expect?
If you open a responsive project that you had created using Captivate 8 or 9 in Captivate (2017 release), you can see the following: Breakpoints from the previous version File > Save as Responsive option is disabled No option to add a Fluid Box To convert to auto-responsive project in Captivate (2017 release), create a new responsive project, and copy-paste the objects into the new responsive project. Also, apply the same theme to the new project. While copying and pasting slides, only […]
Possible causes: Webroot defined incorrectly in web server Incorrect port used when defining the server Using incorrect location of the php files To see the quiz results in Quiz Results Analyzer, Create a folder in your webroot or htdocs folder (if you’re using wamp/xampp) Copy the files InternalServerReporting.php and internalserverread.php to the folder you have created in your web server. The sample files InternalServerReporting.php and internalserverread.php are available inside the Templates/Publish folder in the Captivate installation directory. Configure the server […]
Mouse over the shape, you can see its dimensions on the bottom left-corner. To edit its dimensions, go to the Options tab in the Property Inspector. You can see the X and Y coordinates and the height and width in pixels. Edit the values to change the size and position of the object.
1. Select File > New Project > Project From Template. 2. Navigate to the template file and click Open. 3. Double-click the placeholder and do the following: For placeholder objects, use the respective dialog box to add objects to the placeholder. The placeholder is converted to a concrete object. For recording slide placeholders, double-click the placeholder slide to start recording. For question slide placeholders, double-click the placeholder slide to insert a question slide.
1. Select File > New Project > Project Template. 2. Specify the dimensions of the project template, and click OK. 3. Set preferences for the template using the Edit > Preferences dialog box. The preferences are automatically applied when you use the project template to create a project. 4. Choose the look and feel for projects based on the template by clicking Themes > Themes. The Themes bar appears. Click the required theme from the Themes bar. 5. Modify the […]
Click Themes icon in the toolbar, select any default or customized theme of your choice from the drop down and click. You get a dialog asking you to confirm if you are ok with overriding existing styles and properties with this new theme. Once you confirm, the theme is applied to your project. You can also browse for more themes from the drop-down, choose any .cptm file and apply the theme to your project.
1. Select Project > Variables. 2. In the list of variables, select the variable you want to edit. 3. Do one of the following: To edit the variable, modify the value/description of the variable, and click Update. To delete the variable from the list, click Remove. Note: You cannot delete system variables or variables that are being used by text captions. Removing a variable referenced by an action resets the action to Continue.
1. Select Project > Variables. 2. In the Type menu, select User. 3. Click Add New, and enter the following information: Name: Specify a unique name for the variable. Ensure that the name is intuitive enough to help users guess its content. For example, a variable storing the version number of a product would have the name ProductVersion or VersionNumber. Value: Specify a value for the variable. The value that you specify occurs at all instances of occurrence of the […]
Preview options Publish options For responsive projects, the number of options are fewer. In responsive projects, the first option is Publish for Devices. When you click Preview>Project for a non-responsive course, it opens in a different SWF dialog. In case of responsive projects, when you click Preview > Project, the project opens in a browser. In case of publishing a non-responsive project, the options Publish to Computer, Publish to Adobe Connect, and Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime are the same […]