Captivate 2017-Getting Started Tutorials

Whether you’re just getting started with Captivate and need some help with creating a shiny new project, or you’ve used the previous versions of Captivate and looking for some help to update your Captivate skills, there’s good news for you!

Can’t play the captivate output on chrome browser, Playbarscript.js is missing

SCORM index.html will not play

Why You Should Adopt The Combination Of Microlearning And Mobile Learning In 2018

Fueled by a wider adoption of mobile learning, microlearning based training has gained momentum in the last 2 years. In this article, I outline why you should adopt a combination of microlearning and mobile learning in 2018. Reasons You Should Adopt The Combination Of Microlearning And Mobile Learning Now At EI Design, we have been offering learning and performance support solutions for over 16 years now. During these years, we have seen the evolution of formal training from predominantly Instructor […]

Use Captivate with a Learning Management System

A Learning Management System (LMS) provides, tracks, and manages web-based training

Create a responsive project using Fluid Boxes

Create responsive projects in Adobe Captivate that scales seamlessly across devices and screen sizes. Use responsive projects to build an immersive learning experience for your learners and make learning interesting and interactive. In this document, you will learn to create and customize responsive projects in Adobe Captivate.

Introduction to Multi-state objects

Multi-state objects in Adobe Captivate can convert any interactive or non-interactive object to a multi-state object. In this section, you learn about how you can develop a basic multi-state interaction.

Introduction to Drag-and-Drop interactions

Drag-and-drop interactions in Adobe Captivate test the users if they can match related items from a group of items.

Random Animated Spinner

Add an animated spinner to include some fun randomness to your online learning.

Create Video demos

Video demos in Adobe Captivate are a way to demonstrate product capabilities in video format. You might want to create a video demonstration of your product. You could also use this to demonstrate a new product feature. In this document, let’s create a video demonstration of a feature in PowerPoint.

Add standard objects

Objects in Captivate are the building blocks of content. Let’s use the different types of objects in Captivate to add content to our project. In this section, we will use objects to add content in the form of text and images. We will also use smart shapes to provide interactivity for our users.

Manage project slides

A slide in a Captivate project is the canvas on which you create your story. This is the place where you put the content that you want your users to consume. This section will get your started with how to add, edit, delete, hide, and lock slides in your project.

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