Colors in Captivate – intro

Explains the possible workflows with Adobe Capture and Adobe Color to create a starting scheme with 5 colors, to create the 10 Theme Colors palette, and the way to transfer the scheme to Captivate.

Mobile Learning using Ready-to-go slides and Fluid Boxes

Looking to design a course from scratch within a short time? Join Paul Wilson at Adobe Learning Summit on October 3, 2019, to learn how to rapidly create an eLearning course using the ready-to-go slides from Adobe Captivate.

SVG’s as buttons

Use case to explain how clickable area can be controlled when using SVG’s as buttons

The L&D Benefits of Contributing to Wikis (Learning Thursday #17)

This Learning Thursday article builds on a previous article about participatory learning. According to Cress & Kimmerle, individual learning occurs: “As a result of externalization (due to processes of deeper processing and elaboration which are activated by the externalization process), “As a result of internalization (due to the simple adding of new knowledge units) and “As a result of inferences (due to the expansion of a person’s individual knowledge space through internalization and, arising from that, an opportunity to interconnect […]

Custom Digital Font – Part 1 – The Microwave

Project using a custom digital font.

Build a Participatory Culture to Engage Learners (Learning Thursday #16)

Check out the last Learning Thursday article on connected learning here. In a participatory culture, individuals take an objective into their own hands with the intention of achieving a collective goal.  In the classroom, instructors can create a participatory culture that drives their learning process forward, with the intention of building knowledge. Interactions within the learning community lead to group knowledge greater than the sum of the individuals.  Educational technology provides the practical structure individuals need to collaborate and pass on knowledge. […]

Theme Enhancements (version 11.5)

Overview of the Theme enhancements, and tips for using multi-theme projects.

Sizing Your Images for eLearning Using Photoshop (From My Latest Livestream)

In this video tutorial, I show you how I resize my images to be appropriate for my eLearning projects.

Adobe Captivate 9

Adobe Captive 9

Using Captivate Draft as part of a storyboard process

A developing idea for storyboarding projects using Captivate Draft on iOS.

Response History With A Sorted Display – Version 2

A second version of our feedback box that uses multi-state objects to achieve longer text.

Super Simple Multi-State Magic with 3 simple objects and 3 awesome actions

In this post I’ll explain how you can make wonderful, rich interactions in Adobe Captivate with simple multi-state objects.  This is an easy exercise, simple enough for beginners and a great introduction to advanced actions. I’ll break the tutorial up into three basic parts, and along the way you’ll learn about three simple actions that when used together, create all of the changes and interactivity you find in the finished project. To begin, check out the published version of this […]