Mathematics – Additions in line with Captivate

Mathematics with Captivate – Addition in line

Learning Thursday #12: Five Ways to Promote Training Team Productivity Using Your Email Application

Learning Thursday is a blog series that features a new L&D article every other week along with discussion points.  Read and then share your own ideas by commenting below!  Check out the last Learning Thursday here. Although learning professionals wear multiple hats, we hardly ever work in a vacuum.  When we develop a course for instance, there is often a subject matter expert, multiple instructional designers or developers, a technical editor, and others providing oversight or input into the final product. […]

The climate with Captivate !…

The climate with Captivate for primary schools

Can’t figure out why size of project changed SOLVED

This is probably a simple fix but I’m very new to adobe captivate and can’t for the life of me figure out what happened.  I’ve created several projects that were fine and then I opened up a “blank” project and the size of the project changed, it got a lot bigger, to the point where the themes have to tile to fit.  In the preferences under project size, it’s the same as my other projects that are the correct size. […]

The Best Adobe App for Explainer Videos

I’ve been making explainer videos for over five years on YouTube. I have used Adobe Captivate Video Demo and I’ve also used Adobe Presenter Video Express. This article is my attempt to show the pros and cons of each tool and talk a little about what I might be using in the future.

Disable the Progress Bar in Adobe Captivate

In this tutorial, I show you a solution initially created by Michael Barshinger to disable the progress bar in your Adobe Captivate eLearning projects. This gives your learners the advantage of seeing their progress without allowing them to scrub forward and skipping valuable content.

Geographic resources

Geographic resources for primary school

Quiz Tweaks 5: Results slide

Some tweaks for the score slide: to use it without really showing it to the learner. You also learn, to create a custom (intermediate) score slide summarizing part of the quiz.

5 Insider Secrets To Create A Successful Social Learning Strategy

Using the right tools doesn’t guarantee results; you have to use them the right way. So, how can you use social media and other collaborative platforms to enrich your SMB social learning strategy?

Quiz Tweak 4: Submit Process

How to make the second step of the Submit process more intuitive by the appearance of a Continue button and disappearance of the Submit button.

Bringing The Outside In: 5 Tips To Blend Offline Learning Experiences Into Your LMS

To apply blended techniques to your corporate training, you need an LMS to support your chosen tactics. Once you have that in the bag, how exactly will you facilitate blending?

Quiz Tweak 3: Play Audio/Object Audio

In this post which is about handling other audio clips than slide audio (treated in the previous article), you learn how to prevent user to submit an answer before listening to the audio, and how to prevent to have two audio clips playing at the same time.