Adobe Captivate Draft 1.0.5 (235)

About two years ago I was scheduled to go on vacation but also had to get started on one of my projects. I took this opportunity to use the newly released Adobe Captivate Draft to begin the storyboarding process and get a jump start on my development as well. In this video tutorial, I walk you through the process of creating a storyboard using Adobe Captivate Draft. I also discuss that Draft is not just for storyboarding but can be […]

Why I Love Shared Actions since over 4 years!

Intro Shared actions were a new feature in Captivate 7 several years ago. They were improved with Captivate 8.  I never understood why almost no one talks about them, even self-labeled experts seem never to use them. This is a real pity because their power is much underestimated. In most projects I open an external library (have a look at Internal and External Libraries) which has frequently used shared actions. It saves me a lot of time in each project. I […]

Showing a hidden button on 2nd visit to the slide

  I have this as slide 2 of a project and the Review & Lab buttons jump to other slides, and then those are directed back to this slide.  I do not want the transparent “Click here to skip to quiz” button to show until the learner comes back to this page a second or subsequent time.  Essentially, I only want it hidden on the first visit to the page, but any time the user comes back around to it, […]

NEW BOOK! Mastering Adobe Captivate 2017 has been released

Oct 4th 2017 is an important date for Pooja Jaisingh and I. With the release of our book “Mastering Adobe Captivate 2017”, the project we have been working on for the last 6 month is now complete. Dr. Pooja Jaisingh and I are the proud co-authors of this book. Paul Wilson and  Alice Acker have reviewed the book Tridib Roy Chowdhury  has authored the foreword The editorial team at Packt Publishing has ensured the quality of the editorial process. This was an amazing team of exceptional […]

6 Pros Of eLearning Content Development Outsourcing

Today, outsourcing content development is a fairly well established practice for several organizations. However, what works for one organization and helps them leverage on an offshore partner may not work for another. So, how can you determine if you should evaluate eLearning content development outsourcing? The answer lies in looking at the pros of content development outsourcing and comparing them against the triggers of your outsourcing need. In this article I will outline the pros of content development outsourcing and […]

6 Facts About Rapid eLearning Development That Will Impress Your Boss

In today’s world, time is at premium and Learning and Development professionals have to balance the quality of eLearning courses within shorter time spans to go-live and within budgets that are shrinking every year. All of these factors have led to increased use of rapid eLearning development as a necessity vis-a-vis traditional eLearning. In this article, I will outline what rapid eLearning is, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. I will then share cues on where it would be […]

Use Guides for your Fluid Boxes Design!

Intro If you do follow me since a while, you are aware of the fact that I am a big fan of the Rulers and Guides which appeared with version 9.0.1. They have a lot in common with the same feature in other Adobe applications (Illustrator, Photoshop to mention two). Shortly after the release I wrote an article about possible use cases in normal (blank projects): Guides Rule! Using Fluid Boxes as alternative for Breakpoint views is an added feature with […]

#eLearning #LIVESTREAM – Designing for the Unknown Device – 09/18/2017, 16:00 EDT

Manufacturers are coming out with new smartphones, tablets and other devices all the time. A skill set that is still relatively new for eLearning designers is designing for responsive design. This Livestream will attempt to uncover some of these secrets and make it easy for you to develop responsive projects in the future. As per usual, I will also be taking questions if time permits so get your Captivate Questions ready for the Live Chat. Follow the link right now […]

Adobe Captivate QuickTip – Troubleshoot Scoring Problems

In this video, I show you how you can troubleshoot scoring problems in your Adobe Captivate eLearning projects. I show you how you can make use of the Advanced Interaction window and what sorts of things you should be looking for.

Estimating Time for Rebuilding an Existing Course Library with Captivate

In this article, I will share with you how I determined how many hours it would take me to re-build an existing catalog of courses in Captivate and show you examples of documents I created to assist me in the process. This process may assist you in the next year or two as we prepare for potential course re-development opportunities due to the slow but eventual demise of the Flash player. Recently I was asked to estimate how long it […]

Adobe Captivate 2017: Powerful!

I am very excited to be using Adobe Captivate 2017.  What an outstanding tool!  I tired the 30 day trial a few months ago and while I was impressed, I thought that I needed more time to really consider what I could do in the future with such a powerful tool.  After purchasing Adobe Captivate 2017, reviewing the short tutorials and taking an Adobe Captivate 2017 course on, I feel like Adobe Captivate 2017 will provide me with all […]

Better Embed Code for YouTube Videos

In this video, I show you some neat ideas for embedding YouTube videos into your Adobe Captivate eLearning projects.