Unique Gamification Solutions for Better Learning Outcomes

Gamification of training has become crucial for organizations to upskill their employees on complex concepts and processes. In my experience, gamification solutions work when we want to improve the retention rates, better application of learning to the job, and teach complex concepts in a fun and interesting manner. In this blog, I will be sharing some gamification solutions that worked well.

Toggle to Slide In/Out

Step-by-step workflow explaining the creation of a slider box for a project. A toggle button with states is used to slide the box in and out of slides.

Using QSP – Button tutorial

A published showcase with a tutorial about Button Types in Captivate, based on a Quick Start Project. Some easy practical tips for using QSP’s are added.

Which Button Type? – Part 2

Second part, describing the Shape button, Bitmap used as button, SVG used as button. At the end you’ll find my conclusion about using button types.

Which Button Type? – Part 1

Overview of the older type of buttons, how they are used, their common features and my personal recommendations for using them. Next blog will explain the newer types of buttons: Shape button, Bitmap image used as button, SVG used as button.

Easy Looping Animation

Quick workflow to create a looping animation with a default effect and a While loop.

How To Enhance The Impact Of Your Mobile Learning Strategy In 2019

With the maturing of mobile learning, the focus shifts on how to maximize its potential. In this article, I showcase approaches that will help you enhance the impact of your mobile learning strategy in 2019. Mobile Learning Strategy: Enhance Its Impact In 2019 Mobile learning is the training that is available to learners on their mobile devices. It can be consumed on the go, and it gives them the flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. Access […]

Trial Version Captivate Review

I am new to using Captivate but I love it already! This is a review of some of the key features I have discovered already and how I believe they will make me a better trainer.

Microlearning and Gamification, a Healthy Mix for Ages

Microlearning and gamification can be combined with great results. In this blog, I will share few cases where we combined microlearning and gamification using the right strategy to create better learning experiences.

Copy/Paste Appearance = Two-edged Sword

Overview of objects to which Appearance can be pasted. Copy/paste text styles between objects different type. Tips for use.

Free SVGs From Google For Your Images As Buttons

As I continue to contemplate the implication of images as buttons, I start realizing that some of the more difficult things I used to do are no longer necessary. For example, I used to download font-based icon sets and edit my Index.html file in my published Captivate project to display these fonts to show the icons I used for navigation purposes in my elearning course. Not a hugely tricky thing but still, it required extra steps that I would prefer […]

Multiple Input Fields – One Submit button

Workflow to check entries to multiple fields with one Submit button. Only when all fields have an entry, a button will appear to allow the learner to proceed.