Reviewing Captivate Projects

How can I send a Captivate Project for review when the reviewing party does not have captivate?

How to create advanced projects in Captivate

To sum things up, this is the same process I use for almost all Captivate projects that require advanced functionality. The paper trail comes in handy and assists in troubleshooting, naming objects, and organizing thoughts. Create a small prototype using Captivate smart objects, to test functionality and any see any issues early. Once you have stable version working expand on it, at this point it usually a matter of duplicating scripts and objects.

Making Responsive Projects in Captivate, that fit Prime perfectly.

Today, I did a thing. I recreated one of the default Captivate QSP’s (Quick Start Projects) – the first ten or so slides at any rate, in a rescaled variation. I wanted to share this because I usually want my projects to export from Captivate, to Captivate Prime.  I usually want my projects to be fully responsive, and that includes the ability to make those projects go all the way from full screen on a typical 1920 x 1080 view […]

Narration audio too low in my Adobe Captivate 2019 Projects

Need help setting up narration audio levels in Adobe Captivate 2019

eLearning Unplugged: Secrets to creating winning projects

Want to know what sets prize-winning projects apart from the rest? Now you could find out straight from the winners of the Adobe eLearning Showcase Challenge, as they share their winning methods, tips, and tricks. Click the ‘Watch Now‘ button to learn how the three winning projects were created.

Converting Captivate 8 projects to HTML5

I am working with a company that needs to convert their Captivate 8 training courses to HTML5. I look at the HTML5 tracker and there are unsupported slides/objects. When I preview the project in the HTML5 browser, it tells me that I have unsupported slides/objects in HTML5 and the project may not work correctly. I go ahead and say yes to continue. Even though I have unsupported issues, the project seems to run fine. If it runs correctly in the […]

Publishing Adobe Captivate projects to Adobe Connect in HTML

I have many projects created in Adobe Captivate that I have published to my computer and then loaded them into Adobe Connect content as an swf.  I then use the URL from Adobe Connect to create hyperlinks for our client video training library.   I am told these will not work after this month.  Is this true and how can I publish them in HTML to Adobe Connect?  Is this possible?  I am having a hard time figuring out how to […]

Black Screen in Captivate 2019 when Creating New Projects

Hello, I am assessing eLearing tools for a client and recently downloaded the free trial of Captivate 2019. I have not changed anything in Captivate from the initial download. All settings are set to default. As soon as I go to create any new project, the preview section in the platform is black and does not show any slide that I click on. I’m new to Captivate, but not new to eLearning tools. Any help on this would be much […]

Help needed to understand how to publish a course (in HTML) and hyperlink to multiple lesson projects

Help with hyperlinking between multiple projects published as HTML

Adding closed captions to videos in Adobe Captivate projects

One of the basic requirements to make your eLearning courses accessible is to add closed captions for the narration and videos included in the course. Here are the steps to add closed captions to videos in Adobe Captivate.

Find and customize Interactions in Ready-to-go slides (Quick Start Projects)

Step by step workflow to find, understand and (within limits) edit interactions in those slides.
